Come along and celebrate the launch of the 3rd edition of The Tribes of the Person-Centred Nation with me and APCCA! I am so excited because this 3rd edition signals a turning point which at long last positions the creative approach as a recognised and valid tribe.
There is an official online launch at 7.00pm to 8.15pm with Onlinevents which is free to attend, you can book a ticket here. But for APCCA members only we also have a short online after party celebration!
Come along and bring a drink, a snack and anything else you fancy to help us celebrate and toast the publication of the person-centred creative arts chapter!
If you would like to order a copy of the book the discount code for members to get an extra 10% off the price directly from PCCS Books using the link here
The discount code is;
Hope to see you there!
You can read some of the reviews below...