Working with art can be an incredibly powerful therapeutic tool, particularly when used in counselling, psychotherapy, art therapy and coaching. Art can help with expressing and processing thoughts, feelings and experiences, it can act as a bridge where unconscious aspects can be made visible and be integrated into our conscious awareness.
We know that online disinhibition can be toxic, but there is growing evidence to show that disinhibition can also be benign, beneficial and even therapeutic - particularly when combined with art in counselling and therapy.
In this workshop I will present research and practice with art in online therapy and the use of digital art in counselling, psychotherapy and art therapy. We will explore some of the ways that digital disinhibition may be helpful along with factors that may promote digital disinhibition, and some of the potential issues that can arise. We will also explore the therapeutic potential of virtual reality, gaming and avatar therapy.
I was recently invited to explore the topic of digital disinhibition in therapy on the BBC Radio 4 podcast The Digital Human which you can listen to here
This is an experiential workshop and participants are encouraged to have art materials such as paper, pens, pencils, or pastels available, and if possible to have access to a digital art app.
The session is open to anyone, but will be of particular interest to student and qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, art therapists, and coaches who work therapeutically with art.
Ani de la Prida is a creative arts counsellor, psychotherapist, supervisor, senior lecturer, author and founder of the Association for Person Centred Creative Arts (APCCA ). Ani has taught on counselling, psychotherapy and person-centred art therapy courses for fifteen years. She currently has a small private practice and her research interest is in creative arts and the use of digital media in therapy. You can read A Qualitative Study of Experiences of Digital Technology Through Using an iPad in Therapy here.
Her recent publications include The Pluralistic Therapy Primer, and What Works in Counselling and Psychotherapy Relationships.
Tickets are just £10 for APCCA Members and £35 for non-members. You can book using the link below