Autumn is here and it's time for our autumn APCCA Day event!  Autumn is a time when the trees let go of their leaves, but in the soil their roots continue to grow and extend.  And like the trees our autumn APCCA Day is a great way to extend your connections with other members, and develop your skills in a supportive  group.  We'll have time to connect with each other in small groups, and to take part in creative arts workshops.  

You can  hear about our news and join in with discussing and shaping plans for APCCA . 

And we are super excited to be launching the APCCA Journal at the APCCA Day!  It has been an exciting journey and we can't wait to share and celebrate the launch with you! 

Tickets for members are FREE!

Here is draft outline of the APCCA Online Practice and Networking Day:

09.30am  Creative check in

10.00 am Creative Arts Workshop 'Exploration of Self ' with Fleur and Charlotte . Creative work and skills practice in breakout rooms. 

11.30 am break 

12.00 pm  APCCA Journal preview  

12.30 pm Lunch 

13.30 pm  Welcome back 

13.35 pm  Connecting with members (in breakout rooms) 

14.30  pm  Back to main group for a quick round-up 

14.45 pm   tea/coffee break 

15.00 pm   APCCA news,  plans and ideas for discussion 

15.15 pm  Showcasing students work - animated video 

15.30 pm  Creative art exercise & group share 

16.15 pm  Break 

16.30 pm Time to play on the whiteboard for group image!  

16.40 pm Check out 

17.00 pm End 

The day is experiential ... so please don't forget to bring along some art materials! 

Tickets are free - but donations are always welcome and all proceeds go to the APCCA community art fund.

We look forward to seeing you!

The event is open to APCCA Members only. If you aren't a member why not join! Associate Membership  is just £35 for the year and includes various discounts and benefits - you can sign up here

Book tickets

You cannot book tickets for past events.

ASSOCIATION FOR PERSON CENTRED CREATIVE ARTS LTD is registered in England and Wales under company number 12397019 at 101a Crow Green Road Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood, Essex, United Kingdom, CM15 9RP.
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